
Minimally invasive varicose vein treatment
Vascular Surgery
At VenoMedica, we use minimally invasive methods to treat varicose veins and spider veins. The procedures are conducted under local anesthesia and the patients can return home immediately after the procedure.
EVLT – Endovenous laser treatment
Laser removal of varicose veins is a minimally invasive method of treating superficial vein insufficiency (i.e., varicose veins). The procedure involves closing ineffective venous trunks with thermal energy generated by a laser. The optical fiber of the laser device is inserted into the vein through a skin puncture. The procedure is conducted under local anesthesia and the patient can return home immediately after the procedure.
Qualification for the procedure
300 PLN
EVLT – one limb
5500 PLN
EVLT – both limbs
7500 PLN
Follow up appointment
free of charge
VeinOff therapy
VeinOff is a method of gluing the veins with the use of a therapeutic agent – a tissue adhesive. During the procedure, a therapeutic agent is injected into the vessel. After the administration of a small amount of adhesive, the surgeon applies pressure to the injection site for about 2–3 minutes. The adhesion initiates local inflammation, which in a few weeks leads to fibrosis and complete closure of the dysfunctional vein. The procedure takes a few up to a dozen minutes and is performed during EVLT or sclerotherapy.
Qualification for the procedure
300 PLN
VeinOff therapy
1200 PLN
Follow up appointment
free of charge
Mini-phlebectomy is a method of surgical removal of large, superficially located varicose veins. Small (2 to 3 mm) incisions are made to remove large, superficially located varicose veins with special surgical tools under local anesthesia. The incisions are usually so small that they do not require stitches, only sterile dressings.
Qualification for the procedure
300 PLN
1800 PLN
Follow up appointment
free of charge
Sclerotherapy is a method of vein closure with the use of a chemical sclerosant, which is a substance that once administered into the vessel causes swelling of the vascular wall and decrease in the flow, resulting in vessel fibrosis. The procedure is almost painless and anesthesia is usually not needed at all.
Qualification for the procedure
300 PLN
500 PLN/ amp.
Follow up appointment
free of charge
Percutaneous laser therapy
Vasculaze and Lumecca lasers are used for coagulation and closure of mild vascular lesions. During the procedure, a specially designed instrument head sends light impulses causing the blood vessels to disappear. Several procedures are necessary to achieve the desirable effect and the improvement in the treatment area is gradual.
Qualification for the procedure
300 PLN
Vasculaze laser therapy
1000 PLN / session
Lumecca laser therapy
1000 PLN / session
Follow up appointment
free of charge
Rectal disorders
At the proctology clinic, we treat hemorrhoids and anal fissures as well as remove lesions from around the anus, including anodermal folds and polyps. We also perform incisions of the hematoma marginal.
Laser hemorrhoidoplasty – LPH
Laser hemorrhoidoplasty is a minimally invasive method of treating hemorrhoids using a 1470 nm wavelength laser. The procedure is conducted under local anesthesia and the patient can return home immediately after the procedure.
Qualification for the procedure
350 PLN
Laser plasty of hemorrhoid
7900 PLN
Follow up appointment
free of charge
Hemorrhoid sclerotherapy
The hemorrhoid sclerotherapy procedure is submucous injection of a chemical substance causing closure and constriction of the hemorrhoidal bundle vessels. As a result, hemorrhoids are reduced and pulled back into the anal canal and the bleeding subsides. The agent can be injected into all hemorrhoids during a single procedure.
Qualification for the procedure
350 PLN
Hemorrhoid sclerotherapy
2900 PLN
Follow up appointment
free of charge
HemOff therapy
The HemOff procedure consists of the injection of a substance from the cyanoacrylate family into the hemorrhoid. This small amount of glue initiates a local inflammation in the hemorrhoid, which in a few weeks leads to fibrosis and complete closure of the dysfunctional vein in the rectum. The procedure takes a few up to a dozen minutes.
Qualification for the procedure
350 PLN
HemOff therapy
3900 PLN
Follow up appointment
free of charge
Treatment of anal fissures with botulinum toxin
The tension of the anal sphincter can be relieved by injecting botulinum toxin (“botox”). This substance that causes temporary muscle paralysis, which relieves tension. The toxin is diluted in saline solution and then administered to the sphincter muscle on both sides of the opening, sometimes also directly into the bottom of the wound. The effect of reduced tension of the sphincter muscle lasts for approximately 2 to 3 months and leads to a significant reduction in pain and accelerates the healing.
Qualification for the procedure
350 PLN
Treatment of anal fissures with botulinum toxin
1500 PLN
Follow up appointment
free of charge
Anal fissure excision
During fissurectomy, the fissure is excised with the enlarged skin fold and the sentinel pile. In case of high tension of the internal anal sphincter, the surgeon cuts through the muscle, which allows the wound to heal faster. The wound inside the anus is (optionally) sutured, leaving a few millimeters of the wound outside the anus with no sutures. Healing takes up to several weeks.
Qualification for the procedure
350 PLN
Anal fissure excision
2500 PLN
Follow up appointment
free of charge
Perianal lesion excision
The procedure of rectal lesion resection is most often conducted under local anesthesia with 1% lidocaine solution. The lesion is resected radially, so that the wound descends towards the anal canal, unless the lesion is located deep inside the canal. The lesion can be removed with a surgical knife or by electrocoagulation. The wound usually does not need to be sutured, however sometimes it may be necessary if it is vast and bleeds profusely. The healing process takes 1–2 weeks and usually it is not associated with pain. If there are more lesions, they should be removed individually several weeks apart to avoid leaving many vast wounds in the rectum at one time. Each excised lesion is sent for histopathological examination.
Qualification for the procedure
350 PLN
Perianal lesion excision
990 PLN
Histopathological examinations
130 PLN
Follow up appointment
free of charge
Incision of the hematoma marginal (marginal thrombus)
The incision of the hematoma marginal clot is performed under infiltration anesthesia with a 1% lidocaine solution. The solution is administered subcutaneously around the lump (marginal thrombus) with a syringe and a small needle. A small incision is made over the lump, radially from the anus, and the surgeon uses a special tool to remove the clotted venous plexuses. The wound usually does not require stitching and heals by itself within a few days. The procedure provides immediate relief and the inflammation is resolved quickly.
Qualification for the procedure
350 PLN
Incision of the hematoma marginal (marginal thrombus)
990 PLN
Follow up appointment
free of charge
Pilonidal Cyst Treatment Center
Pilonidal Clinic
To meet the expectations and needs of patients living with pilonidal cysts, we created the Pilonidal Clinic, whose mission is to provide reliable information about the condition and treatment options, as well as access to minimally invasive surgical treatments so our patients can recover fully and quickly.
SiLaT – Sinus Laser Therapy
Sinus Laser Therapy (SiLaT) is a little invasive surgical technique involving the cleaning of the cyst wound to remove bacteria, hair, puss, and granulation tissue, which allows for tissue healing and, as a result, cyst cavity atresia. A big advantage of this method is the reduced expansiveness of the procedure, which is limited only to the cyst cavity and results in small, relatively easily healing wounds, that usually heal within 4 to 6 weeks. Due to the limited invasiveness the cosmetic effect is very good – the buttocks remain practically unchanged.
Qualification for the procedure
300 PLN
Sinus Laser Therapy
5900 PLN
Follow up appointment
free of charge
Norbert Zapotoczny, M.D.,Ph.D.
Bascom Cleft Lift
The Cleft Lift method (also known as Bascom II after its inventor) is a method that fulfills the medical goals of treatment to the largest extent, and additionally leaves a good esthetic effect. Directly after the surgery, the patient can get up and get dressed on their own, may sit down and walk. There is no reason for the patient to stay at the Clinic for longer; immediately after the procedure and after receiving further guidelines, the patient may leave the Clinic and return home.
Qualification for the procedure
300 PLN
Bascom Cleft Lift
12900 PLN
Follow up appointment
free of charge
Norbert Zapotoczny, M.D.,Ph.D.
Upper limb surgery procedures
At the orthopedics clinic we offer non-surgical treatment methods such platelet-rich plasma treatment, injections of hyaluronic acid and collagen as well as steroid blocks. We also offer upper limb surgery procedures.
Carpal tunnel surgery
The surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome involves making an incision in the skin on the palmar side of the wrist in the area of the flexor retinaculum and dissecting the tissues until the retinaculum is visible. The retinaculum is cut or (much less frequently) a Z-cut is made, which allows the retinaculum to be lengthened without cutting through it. The procedure takes up to 30 minutes and the patient can leave the facility immediately after the procedure.
Qualification for the procedure
300 PLN
Carpal tunnel surgery
2500 PLN
Stitches removal
free of charge
Trigger finger release (tenolysis)
Qualification for the procedure
300 PLN
Trigger finger release (tenolysis)
1500 PLN
Stitches removal
free of charge
De Quervain syndrome surgery
Qualification for the procedure
300 PLN
De Quervain syndrome surgery
1900 PLN
Stitches removal
free of charge
Dupuytren’s contracture surgery
Qualification for the procedure
300 PLN
Dupuytren’s contracture surgery
from 3500 PLN
Stitches removal
free of charge
Guyon channel surgery
Qualification for the procedure
300 PLN
Guyon channel surgery
1900 PLN
Stitches removal
free of charge
Cubital tunnel syndrome surgery
Qualification for the procedure
300 PLN
Cubital tunnel syndrome surgery
3500 PLN
Stitches removal
free of charge
Minor surgery
General surgery
At the general surgery clinic, we remove skin lesions and subcutaneous tissue tumors, remove foreign bodies and stitches, and treat ingrown nails.
Skin lesion excision
Skin and subcutaneous tissue lesions are quite common. They are usually benign changes such as pigmented lesions, lipomas, atheromas, fibromas, or warts. They need to be removed for esthetic reasons but also because they are prone to recurrent inflammation and infections. The most serious threat are cancerous lesions, which may resemble or result from benign lesions (neoplastic transformation, malignancy). Skin lesions are removed under local anesthesia. After excision, the wound is stitched to leave a minimally visible scar. After the procedure, sterile dressing is applied on the wound and the patient may go home. Each excised lesion is sent for histopathological examination.
Skin lesion excision
590 PLN
Every subsequent excision
190 PLN
Histopathological examinations
130 PLN
Stitches removal
free of charge
Nail matrix phenolization
The doctor numbs the finger and disinfects both the skin and nail, and the removes the edge of the nail from the fold along with the nail with a surgical tool. The nail bed is trimmed marginally to leave a small gap between the nail and the fold. Then, an 88% phenol solution is administered to chemically denaturate the exposed matrix so the nail can grow narrower and will not grow into the nail fold. Next, a dressing is applied and sometimes stitches are necessary. Any stitches should be removed within the time recommended by the doctor, usually within 7 to 10 days. It takes about a month for the nail to heal, but function is restored after just a few or a dozen days.
Nail matrix phenolization
1190 PLN
Follow up appointment
free of charge
Minor surgery
Oncological surgery
At the oncological surgery clinic, we perform thyroid biopsies and breast biopsies. We also remove skin lesions.
Fine needle biopsy of the thyroid
The patient uncovers the neck and removes all jewelry. Then the patient lies on the couch, head tilted back. The doctor determines the optimal biopsy site using ultrasound guidance. During the puncture, the patient must not move, talk, or swallow saliva. Biopsy sample collection is painless and does not require anesthesia.
A biopsy allows for the evaluation of cells, and not entire tissue. The final diagnosis of thyroid diseases is based on the overall clinical picture, i.e., a clinical interview, examination, thyroid biopsy and cytology, and other additional tests.
In some cases, the biopsy samples may not contain thyroid cells, or contain too few of them to make a clear diagnosis. This is called a ”non-diagnostic biopsy” by pathologists (doctors who evaluate the biopsy sample) but it does not mean “poorly performed”.
Fine needle biopsy of the thyroid
360 PLN
Result analysis
50 PLN
Core needle biopsy of the breast
The doctor performs the biopsy with the patient supine or slightly on their side. The biopsy site is disinfected before the procedure. The lesion is located under ultrasound guidance and 2% lignocaine solution is injected for local anesthesia. Then an approximately 1.5 to 3 mm diameter needle is inserted into the target site and the trigger mechanism is activated to collect a tissue sample. This is repeated several times to obtain the appropriate amount of material. The collected material is sent for histopathological evaluation, and the biopsy site is cleaned, disinfected, and wound dressing is applied. Core needle biopsy of the breast takes about 15 to 20 minutes to complete.
Core needle biopsy of the breast
990 PLN
Histopathological examinations
130 PLN
Result analysis
50 PLN
Mammotome-assisted biopsy of the breast
The doctor performs the biopsy with the patient supine or slightly on their side. The biopsy site is disinfected before the procedure. The lesion is located under ultrasound guidance and 2% lignocaine solution is injected for local anesthesia. Then an approximately 2 to 3 mm diameter needle is inserted into the target site and the vacuum mechanism is activated to collect a tissue sample through a special groove. The collected material is sent for histopathological evaluation, and the biopsy site is cleaned, disinfected, and wound dressing is applied. Core needle biopsy of the breast takes about 15 to 20 minutes to complete.
Mammotome-assisted biopsy of the breast
2390 PLN
Histopathological examinations
130 PLN
Result analysis
50 PLN
Breast lump excision
Qualification for the procedure
300 PLN
Follow up appointment
free of charge